
Not a really good day.

A not a really good day starts with your supervisor telling you that somehow all emails from you went directly into spam and he couldn't...

A not a really good day starts with your supervisor telling you that somehow all emails from you went directly into spam and he couldn't read them.
Continues with a train home you realise too late you shouldn't buy tickets because there is noone on the other end that would pick you up without stress that you are blamed for.
Then you learn that the train before your had an accident and you have to get off the train and get into a bus. With 500 other people.
So you decide to twist your faith and get a ride to your fiance's house.
And you have your sister pick you up from there on her way home (yes you should go with her in the first place but you were really really stubborn).
While you're waiting for her you realise that you have two deadlines due to that midnight.
After you get home you realise you only have two hours to accomplish writing stuff for those two deadlines.

Luckilly it ends with your stuff done, and while you write on your blog to all the lovely people and spam bots out there the soup your mom made is here calling to be eaten.

And I'm too tired to check my mistakes and spelling errors.

Never think binary.

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