
New in: Boots. And a bit about shopping for shoes

Hello there darlings and loved ones. I had a bad shoes year this year and I had to repair all of my shoes at least 15 times, most of those...

Hello there darlings and loved ones.

I had a bad shoes year this year and I had to repair all of my shoes at least 15 times, most of those times was this autumn. And now my boots fallen appart. Again. And I must say I started wearing these boots 3 weeks earlier and was sweating in them, because my autumn shoes has fallen apart and I had nothig to wear.

So that was a twisting poiunt for me. So I decided that I will take my christmas budget (Christmas will have to wait until I get more money from work.) and buy a really expensive and luxury shoes, that I can actually trust that they won't fall apart.

So I have taken my budget and promised myself I will not buy anything that is above 130 euros, which is pretty much for me. I put on my shoes, the platform heel of one was just swinging freely on a tiny pieces of glue. I ignored the fact that those shoes look as if I was wearing them throughout some war or something. Mostly because I bought them last winter.

And walked in to all of those shoe shops, mostly the expensive ones with a clear vision in my head.

I wanted boots. High heeled and elegant, yet still comfortable. Yes I know it sounds weird but I carry a backpack with my laptop every day and it has 6 kg so comfortable shoes are a must.
I wanted leather shoes, not synthetic. And shoes that I can trust they won't fall apart.
And I was willing to pay for them.
And if they were above the knees, that would be perfect.

Well, of course, I found out that my vision are only real in the happy land of ponies and kittens in my head.
F#*k me I guess.

Instead, after three hours I bought these shoes.

And they are synthetic. Which is just fancy word for plastic. And well they are not above the knees.

And I wasn't really happy at first, but now after taking fancy photos and putting them here and on instagram, I feel like I will love them soon.

I kinda like them allready.

Dont think binary.

[EDIT]: 3 hours later and I fell in love with them.

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