
Can't get ill

You know that feeling when everything around is spinning? When you just can't move, otherwise you would fall. And every bone and muscle...

You know that feeling when everything around is spinning? When you just can't move, otherwise you would fall. And every bone and muscle aches.
And you have plans for the rest of the week and can't get ill, just can't because there is no way of changing plans.
And you are sitting in school or work and trying to focus, not to give up, not to get eaten by this illness.
That's me today.
I can't get ill :(
Cross fingers for me. And stay healthy.
Don't think binary.

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2 komentárov

  1. I hate being ill, so i basically don't allow myself to get ill! ahaha
    Make sure to check out my blog!


    1. I tried that actually but without success. I was ill and completely devastated during all the weekend:D Luckily I'm all right now.
