
Homemade crisps

Hello, I may have written few tips on how to prevent the crisps cravings and what to do when you get them, but in the end I kind of gave u...


I may have written few tips on how to prevent the crisps cravings and what to do when you get them, but in the end I kind of gave up and decided to try out my own turn out for crisps. And they are healthier, awesome and so so yummy.

The recipe itself is really easy. You just have to take two potatoes (makes about one full IKEA bowl as you can see on the picture above) and slice them. You can use knife or any kind of slicer, but remember then thinner the slices are the better. I tried it both ways and if you have good knives the knife version is slightly better. 

Some people like to do the extra step of soaking the potatoes in water for around half an hour, but I haven't see too much of a difference. It is said that it removes starch from the potatoes and they are more crispy this way, but I am a lazy person and I usually avoid any extra steps.

Then you put them on baking tray, lined with baking sheet I advise and sprinkle some salt and some olive or coconut oil on top and put them in the oven for about 10 minutes until they're golden brown. The slices should be spread out on the baking sheet and none of them should be overlapping, because by the time the potatoes are golden brown, the overlapping ones would be cooked through but not crispy at all.

And that is it. And awesome a pretty potato crisps. If you do not have oven, I once fried mine on some coconut oil and they were delicious as well. They just take a bit longer and make more mess this way.

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