
A little scoop about the world

You know, sometimes you come to ground breaking realisations? Well this is my realisation from today: Everything is about what you learn fro...

You know, sometimes you come to ground breaking realisations? Well this is my realisation from today: Everything is about what you learn from your parents.

For example today, my sisters son who's staying with us for holidays was playing this awesome game LEGO loco. You must know that game. 
So as he was playing and it's 31. of october and I assume that's halloween day for most of the world, the game is halloween themed and instead of a real train is a ghost of train and instead of plant are skeletons and all kinds of creepy things.
I found a video of it to demonstrate. 

And here's the catch. In our family we don't think halloween is really a thing. I know it's huge in America and it's trying to get into europe but the tradition here is that on 1st of november we go out to cemetary to visit? or honour is the better word the ones that are no longer without us.
So in the conclusion. Since we (and I never thought that I would be in the pack too) don't like halloween, the son of my sister can't play this game for today. And he had a hard time understanding why when there's a loads of cool stuff in it today. And I get him. Still I was the one who said he can't play.

So enjoy holidays in the way you like. And raise your children in that way because in the end all that forms you and matters are your parents. (And I din't ever imagined myself saying that. What's wrong with me?!)


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2 komentárov

  1. maybe you getting old or preparing for motherhood?

    1. maybe:D or I'm spending too much time with kids:)
