
Polenta mash

Hello there darlings and loved ones. Again, continuing this year, I have an easy and yummy healthy recipe for you. This is a polenta ma...

Hello there darlings and loved ones.

Again, continuing this year, I have an easy and yummy healthy recipe for you. This is a polenta mash with leek and tomatoes and sunnyside-up egg.

Polenta, if you tried it before tastes a bit like semolina (or cornmeal?) in structure. But unlike semolina it is done salty and can be used as side dish instead of rice or potatoes. I really like to change it up a bit from time to time and I really like this polenta mash.

To make this awesome and easy dish, you have to create a polenta mash. If you have instant polenta, it's easy just put a cup of polenta and a cup of water and boil until a thick mash creates. If you don't have instant polenta, use two to three cups of water and boil for more time, can take up to 20 minutes.

If you like you can bake it or grill it on pan to make the mash less creamy, if you know what I mean. A little more crisp and texture and a bit more to chew on. I did this because I don't like foods that are too runny. Or if you have more time you can let it cool and then it will get to a solid consistency.

That was the hardest part, now all is left is to chop up leek and tomatoes and grill for a while on a pan with a bit of olive oil. Lastly create a sunnyside-up egg, sorry that mine looks weird on the picture, I don't like the egg yolk runny so I grill it from both sides always.

The last think is to put it all on  plate, sprinkle with seasoning of your choice and that's it! Yummy and easy.

Hope you try this, I really loved it, and I think that when you try eating healthy, it is great t have some back up foods that are easy to make from whatever you have at home and that you can change up based on what you've got at home for those lazy days, when you don't want to go shopping or do anything.

Don't think binary.

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