
Sally Hansen: Hard as nails review

Hello there darlings and loved ones. As you might allready know I bought in summer Sally Hansen Complete Salon Manicure nail polish and I...

Hello there darlings and loved ones.

As you might allready know I bought in summer Sally Hansen Complete Salon Manicure nail polish and I absolutely loved it. I used almost a half of it allready, wearing it every day since.

So I decided last monday I should get some more from the SH line of nail polishes. And as I was looking for a bit darker autumn colors I couldn't pick from the Complete salon manicure colors.
So I went for the SH Hard as Nails Xtreme wear polishes and since they were half the price I bought two. (That's because I'm a shopaholic not because it should be done that way.)
And I picked number 90 Brick Wall and number 370 Black out.

And I'm a bit sad about them. I had high expectations about them that's true, but they let me down a bit.

One layer is not enough, it's too thin and you can see almost half of the orignal nail (pretty damaged from all the red nail polishes *shy*), so you have to get two coats.

If you get two coats it takes forever to dry it.

Really really forever.

They are easily scratched, since they are drying so long.

So, here's the story. I bought the nail polishes on Monday morning. I did put on my nails the Brick Wall shade(number 90) and liked it. It wass all right, this one didn't let me down, since it has only first and second problem.
But I decided to change it a bit when I got home in the evening, because I always wear red so for mixing it up a little I got the first one down and got the black one on.
I was up for about an hour and then got to sleep. While beeing awake I was really careful not to scratch the nails.

When I got up my nails were a mess. They were all scratched, all of them. But I went to school, to work and after getting home some time after noon I added another coat. (So that's the third coat.) And it dryed after a while and was all good. Then I had to clean my room because people from hygiene were about to go and sniff around all the rooms at my dorm. And my right hand got all scratched. Again. But I must say the left one is all right. Maybe a little worn off.

It's all scratched you might see it there a bit.

So I'm sad a bit about this line of  Sally Hansen nail polishes.

That's all. What are your experiences with these nail polishes? Tell me bellow also don't forget to subscribe.


P.S. I'm sorry I got quiet for a while, things were a bit crazy, but since there is a huge party right next to my room I will be awake for a while and write you another few posts so be sure to check them out!

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2 komentárov

  1. Hoi,
    Do you plan big wedding (family, friends from uni, highschool or even elementary)

    1. Hey there:)
      It depends on what you call big wedding. I plan on having 50 people at the celebration, but to church I'm inviting everyone I know even though I don't xpect that they will show up.
