
2013, 2014 and new years resolutions

Hello there darlings and loved ones, I've been procrastinating too much in last few days and did almost nothing. Except for yesterday ...

Hello there darlings and loved ones,

I've been procrastinating too much in last few days and did almost nothing. Except for yesterday when I helped my brother to move from his flat to his new amazing house. And actually I'm a bit jealous of his pretty new home with fireplace and everything. But one day I'll get there too.

2013 was pretty amazing year with a few groundbreaking things going on. For example me graduating from school. (Part one. I'm still getting ready to the real deal which is my ingeneer graduation.) Also my boyfriends and mine first vacation together, alone, without my family. Also the proposal of course, that's what I'm talking about. And also me discovering that I am a workoholic. And finishing my bachelor thesis with that creepy app I will never show to anyone. And getting a theme for diploma thesis. And mostly, starting this blog. And finding out that there are actually people (and spambots, of course, hello to you too) that are reading this. And well there has been lot's of stuff I can be thankfull for. I won a beauty queen competition (don't know the proper term in english), even though it was just in computer exhibition.

Long story short: 2013 - pretty amazing year.

But I have high expectations from 2014 also. I plan to get married. And to move to mine whole new amazing not yet really mine and not yet amazing and not yet new home. Well it's house with potential. And it will be amazing and new and pretty when it grows up. Until then I can plant some flowers and be happy. I will keep you posted.

And well my resolutions for this year:

  • Get married. And all that stuff around.
  • Have fun.
  • Don't think binary.
  • Move! (into your new home with your new husband.)
  • Post at least once a week.
  • Start doing videos. (This one's hard. I allready started working on something and it's hard as hell.)
  • Stay positive.
  • Start being social. Go out more.
  • Get married.
  • Do learn more.
  • Be calmer.
  • Excercise!

And I guess that's it. As it's new year and I have to learn for my exams I changed my blog a bit. You can now see in the footer ways to find me. 
And I promise I will keep on getting better and I hope you if there are any people reading this will stay tuned and enjoy reading my posts. It's an amazing feeling to read your comments and just see that there are any people interested in what I'm saying. 

Happy new year!
Don't think binary.

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2 komentárov

  1. Looking forward to that videos

    1. Mee too, even though the first ones will be bad. But I will get better with every one of them!
