
Getting up: The excercise week 1

Yes, I know everyone would love to stay in bed whole day and just lay there and be fine. Unluckilly not everyone can do that, there are ...

Yes, I know everyone would love to stay in bed whole day and just lay there and be fine.

Unluckilly not everyone can do that, there are people (and there's pretty many of them) who have to wake up  in the morning and go to school or to work or both. Or stay at home and watch the kids. They just have to wake up. And after a long day they had yesterday and the short sleep today it is hard to stay pretty and fresh and in good mood.

Good mood, that's the one thing we are looking for in this sequel. And while laying around in your bed may get you cosy and happy for a while, getting up and going out and fighting your mood can create opportunities which can create more opportunities and these can make you happy. Really really happy.

And if I could quote one of my favourite movie characters it would be Elle from Legaly blonde:

I just don't think that Brooke could've done this. Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. Happy people just don't shoot their husbands, they just don't.

Excercise make you happy. You know where I'm heading now, you should've known it from the beginning. I have a few excercise routines for you but I will just stick to one. But to mention there is a youtube channel called passion4profession and they have an amazing excercises for everything and everyone. I love these videos even though they are just too hard for normal person to handle (by normal I mean standard IT). 
So I switched to yoga and found an amazing video that will relax you and only takes 20 minutes of your busy schedule and leave you happy, relaxed and streched. It is also really good for your back pain if you have one. 

Check it out if you want to but I wanted to mention another video. 
This is more of a challenge than a video and I found it some time ago and loved it even though I wasn't able to get through the first video. I am starting this week the 30 day yoga challenge, but as I know myself I won't find that much time to excercise so I am demoting it a bit and going for one video a week. That should be enough. If you wanna check it out and get to the challenge with me here is the first video. Remember you have one week to get through the video. Good luck!

Aren't you feeling better allready? Crossing fingers for you!

Don't think binary.

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