
Getting up: The start

Yesterday I had a boss fight with destiny. Except I was the boss, the creepy villain everyone hates and just try to get rid off. There wer...

Yesterday I had a boss fight with destiny.

Except I was the boss, the creepy villain everyone hates and just try to get rid off. There were too many of them, and each one alone wouldn’t be strong enough to hardly do some damage. But as they coped together and came in a pack it was really really hard to fight with them. And after they just ripped me apart and I thought it is over, and I can leave and build my strength from the last piece of life, not even full one just a percent of it and was trying to go last one came and it was just epic hit. And I was dead, betrayed by the ones I thought I can believe.

And that’s why there will be no ordinary post today. I have one ready and it will come this week but not today. Today I’m thinking of ways to build up and get up. I have two motivational quotes today for you:

It doesn’t matter how many times you fall, what matters is how many times you get up.

Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times if one only remembers to turn on the light.

When I was younger I believed that there is no happy thought unpunished. I believed that every time I was happy there is something horrible waiting for me to get me down. But since then I had an attitude change, and I believe that if you fall this many times there is problem with your thinking. You create the opportunities that can make you fall. I read an article about a research on lucky and unlucky people and they showed that the unlucky people were just thinking wrong. They were too scared of taking any risks that they lost against the lucky people.

So as I am getting myself up, and getting a change in attitude (right after I get home from work) I am taking you with me. I still want you all to get up with me and find a way to never fall down.

That’s it for today, I will keep you posted on the things I will think of doing and hopefully I and maybe all of you can become those lucky ones. Also expect a normal post this week too.

Don’t think binary.

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