
2014 wishlist

Hello there darlings and loved ones, this will be the last post about hooray new year I promise. (Well maybe one more - 2013 favourites wi...

Hello there darlings and loved ones,

this will be the last post about hooray new year I promise. (Well maybe one more - 2013 favourites will come up hopefully.) As a matter of fact I'm writing this at 5th of january so it is not so much off topic, just when it comes out it will be.

But to get to the point. I have so much stuff planned to buy this year and even in the years that follows and I decided to share with you at least few of them. Because well. Maybe I can get some feedback on those things or something. Or maybe I can inspire you in any way. Okay let's get started.

Beauty stuff

YSL lipstick

This is really a new dream for me actually. But if you follow me on instagram you may have noticed that I bought the Kate Moss for Rimmel lipstick and I love it really much. So I'm hooked, and right now looking for something long lasting, maybe even red.

Beauty advent callendar

This one I'm looking forward to, one year forward I know, but I really hope I can get the money to buy this. Not exactly this one, I guess I will have to stick with something cheaper and less fancy but it's the ultimate advent calendar I think.

Gel Eyeliner
This one is the Loreal gel eyeliner and actually my darling cousin showed me this and I fell in love directly in that second. I love that it has this pretty small brush and everything and I know I have to try it this year. It has the most amazing black color you have ever seen and doesn't really wash of or blur itself later on. And I'm really looking forward to not looking like a racoon with sleeping disorder every afternoon. 


New camera

You may or may not know, but I'm getting into vlogs lately. I haven't started yet, just made a DYI video that I am having a really harsh time to cut and everything. But I'm getting a look around for one great new compact camera. Yes I would love a DSLR camera but well, I'm still studying and have just a low paid job so that's nothing for me yet. I will definitelly buy one one day although. And hey, here is the part you can comment. If you know any kind of great compact camera that is great for photography and video making let me know in the comments bellow. Thank you.


So, I am getting married this year. And I'm on a hunting trip for shoes for like a four months now and still couldn't find anyhing I would like. I'm byuing silver shoes because I have the perfect dress with silver applications. Also silver shoes can be recycled later on as opose to white shoes you just have stuck in the box for the rest of your life. Cross fingers for me.

Special treat

Well this is something I have my eyes sticked on for a long time and still couldn't afford it. Maybe in this year or the next one. I will definitely buy this one day.

Dressing table with mirror. I have simmilar one picked out in IKEA and hopefully one day I will get enough money to buy it. Until then I will have to stick with a simple mirror and a lot of walking around. 

So that would be it. At least those are the things that I want the most and hopefully will get for myself this year. What is on your wishlist? Let me know in the comments.

Don't think binary.

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