
Very exhausted (but still happy) hello!

Hello there darlings and loved ones, as it happened I discovered a pretty amazing thing that allows me to write my posts offline on my coo...

Hello there darlings and loved ones,

as it happened I discovered a pretty amazing thing that allows me to write my posts offline on my coomputer and then just easilly post them when I get online. No more going online on a special tab with login to the blog and then writing and also, as always getting lost in the statistics section, since I just love (and spend too much time) checking how many people from different countries have been here. Also spambots, I love them too.

Yeah I know that spambot joke is getting a bit old. Well I just wanted to say hello, and I am going to sleep since I have to wake up in about seven hours to go to work. And I have been 9 hours at work today! That’s my record so far. I hope I will not get a new record :D.

So I’m off, going to get my hair into rope braids for sleeping and waking up with little waves in hair and also to read a bit of Harry Potter seventh book. I love those series and even though I am pretty old for that I still re-read it every christmas and still love it as much as the first time. I can imagine myself as a 69 year old woman forgetting about world of baking and granchildren and just reading those books. Is it silly? I hope not.

Don’t think binary.

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2 komentárov

  1. Hoi
    you could at least on instagram post more often I get that blogging is time consuming but insta not. At least I think that
    I really like your blog and can§t wait on videos

    1. I'm on it! Just been burried under the work that's been piling up on my desk for a while :D
