
The perfect bread

I've finally made my own bread. It was tasting amazing and fully home made. I honestly love this feeling.

I've finally made my own bread. It was tasting amazing and fully home made. I honestly love this feeling.

This bread is made with barm, therefore it takes a bit more time to make. First thing is to make the barm. You take 4 table spoons of flour. Mix it up with 4-8 spoons of water to create a mix of watery mash. Leave this alone for few hours. I made this in the morning and left it sit in room temperature until evening.

 Now with your barm is made and it may have a little bit of water on top. That is completely OK. You can either put it in the fridge and take it out when you want to make a bread.
When creating the bread, first feed the barm, give it a little flour (about 2-3 tablespoons) and a little of water and mix it and leave it sit in room temperature. Making that in evening I left it overnight.

In the morning you then take half of that barm and put it in the fridge to use another time. With the other half you create the dough.

Take 500 grams of white floor
add barm,
1 table spoon of vinegar,
4 table spoons of olive oil,
2 tea spoons of salt ,
1 tea spoon of sugar,
and 280 ml of water.

Mix it all up and create a non sticky dough. If it is still sticky then add more flour. If you want to add whole grain flour then add it instead of white. I use 400 grams of white flour and 100 grams of wholegrain flour. Leave this sit for at least 6 hours in room temperature.
The vinegar is to stop the crumbling and olive oil is to make the bread more fluffy and soft.

In the end put it in oven and bake 10 minutes on maximum temperature (or 250°C) and then 50 minutes on 200°C. (I am kind of lazy at this point and just bake it on 200°C for an hour and the bread is still perfect.

That's it. It may look like a really long process, but once you have the barm ready it takes way less time.  And the outcome is great. Plus you are 100% sure about what you're eating and I think that part is the best.

Don't think binary.

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