

Bread or no bread that is the question! I've been experimenting with bread making this week but it needs a little bit more this and that...

Bread or no bread that is the question! I've been experimenting with bread making this week but it needs a little bit more this and that to make it perfect. So far it's pretty much okay. But today we're talking about bulgur.

The other day I bought  a pack of bulgur because I wanted to experiment a bit. Then I got home and try to find any kind of recipe that would be eatable. I still want to try the sweet bulgur balls with raisins and nuts. Yummy !

This recipe is boiled bulgur (For 1 cup of bulgur add about 1.5-2 cups of water and boil until it's done - it should take about 15-20 minutes.) with red lentils (wash, and boil for around 15-20 minutes as well, then get rid of leftover water) and vegetable mix. It's veggie rizoto without the rice and with bulgur and red lentils. So add any kind of veggies you like, what I added is a frozen mix of vegetables there is carrot and broccoli and tomatoes and zuchinni and some stuff i did not really recognize.

I love that bulgur looks like brown sugar a bit before it's boiled and then gets a completely different look. I also love the taste - something between rice and pasta. Amazing! It is amazing for you digestion as well and it contains loads of minerals and vitamins.

Don't think binary!

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