
New in: The Victoria's secret bag

Hello there darlings and loved ones. I got a gift some time ago from my godmother, who went to Canada. Since she's the coolest person ...

Hello there darlings and loved ones.

I got a gift some time ago from my godmother, who went to Canada. Since she's the coolest person ever she brought me a gift from Victoria's secret, which is a brand we don't have here anywhere around.

I honestly love this packaging, the beautiful bag and also everything in it packed as well. It's just so cool and makes a simple gift so luxurious! Since I got an underwear, which I'm not too comfortable sharing with you this is the only picture, you'll get from the inside of the bag. I can just say that the feeling of wearing these is as great as the packaging.

Don't think binary.

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2 komentárov

  1. Zvlastne, pises anglicky, ale koncovku blogu mas sk Ak by som chcela pisat v cudzom jazyku, zvolim si koncovku danej krajiny, pripadne pisem dvojjazycne.
    Kaviareň u mačky

    1. Kedze blogger prideluje koncovky na zaklade google nastaveni, nikdy ma nenapadlo to riesit. Navyse rovnako sa da blog najst aj pod .com koncovkou :) Dvojjazycne som povodne pisala (este na starom blogu) ale vysledok nebol ktovieaky tak som sa rozhodla zlepsit svoju anglictinu a pisat iba anglicky.
