All done!
11:35Hello there my loveliest love ones:) I am absolutely thrilled. And I am like uaaaa. I got my first part of university finished, and my har...
I am absolutely thrilled. And I am like uaaaa. I got my first part of university finished, and my hard work of last three years paid off and I will get my degree at the graduation in july. Happy!!
My supervisor and oponent wanted to give me a D but thanks to my amazing presentation (and my supervisor said it was awesome and that I convinced them that I made a lot of work and the people from the jury gave me a better grade.)
And I am thrilled. I love you all. I'm working on the article about the nailpolishes and it will be up tomorrow. Also I'm leaving my flat I lived in fror last two years so hooray for packing! Not really.
I'll post you packing photos then.
How are you enjoying holiday? Or do you still have school? Leave your answer in comments. I love you all!
We are the crazy people
16:53Hello darlings and love ones, my keyboard is trying to kill me. Or itself. My backspace is jumping out and can't write big o. O. I can ...
Working hard
15:30Hello there darlings and loved ones, I am terrified. Absolutely horrified. And mummiefied? No, that's the point where my vocabulary re...
I am terrified. Absolutely horrified. And mummiefied? No, that's the point where my vocabulary reaches it's limits.
I have to create this presentation, where I talk about my bachelor thesis. Bachelor thesis is one big paper, that we wrote in the last one or two semesters of undergraduate studies( I guess it is called in USA?). We have university separated in two parts, first is 3 years long and it's called bachelor and we get bc title in the end, and second is 2 years and we have Ing. title in the end. Ing is like the highest before PhD.
First day of summer
23:24Hello there darlings and loved ones! I walked too much today. But it was lovely walk and a perfect day. I love summer days like this, where...
Still alive
18:42Hello there kind stranger who decided to appear on my blog, I must say I really like you just because you came. I've been away for a wh...
Shampoo wars
16:09Yes, I am a shampoo junkie. I wash my hair almost every day and hate spending more time on it than to get a shampoo on and wash it away. ...

In last half a year I tried so many types of shampoo for damaged hair that I want to share my knowledge and maybe if you want to try something new you can find some inspiration here.
How to: The rolled hem
14:48In this article we will show you how to clear the bottom of a skirt, pants or dresses. We will explain the basics of creating the rolled hem...
The rolled hem needs extra 2 centimeters added to the original pattern for seam allowance. It is prettiest and easiest thing to do with hems, since it hides the edge of a garment completely and gives the skirt professional look.
Baste it
Then take the folded edge and fold it second time. The edge will be completely hidden inside of the roll this way.
The bridge of love
23:53Since the summer is coming and many of you are wondering where to go with your dearest, (or where not to go alone;)) I decided to start the ...
The bridge of love is internationally known thing, where lovers buy a padlock and write their name on it and then lock it on a special bridge and throw away the key. I think it is really romantic thing, along with bad thing for the beauty of the bridge.
23:14Hello and welcome on my new blog. This blog will be about everything that crosses my mind from fashion through products up to traveling and...
This blog will be about everything that crosses my mind from fashion through products up to traveling and food. I hope you will enjoy.
Parallel with this blog I have one about sewing which you can find here:
it is also on the side of this blog. Be sure to check that one out too!
I will see you soon!
How to: Waistband
22:41This tutorial will cover the creation of simple waistband Measure yourself Measure your waist in order to create waistband. To your measures...
Measure yourself
Measure your waist in order to create waistband. To your measures add at least 4 centimetres for the overlapping and then 2 centimetres for seam allowance.For example: if I have 72 centimetres around my waist, I need at least 78 centimetres waistband.
If you have enough fabric, you can make it longer and then cut it to the right length after sewing.
I made mine by folding the fabric to two layers and measuring just the half length.
You can have it as wide as you want, remember to add 1 centimeter on each side for seam allowance. I made mine 2.5 centimeters wide, so I had to crop out 7 centimeters wide piece.
The equation is: wide * 2 + seam allowance.
If you want the fabric firmer you can add the fuse which is piece of fabric with a glue on one side and it is ironed on the fabric (the glue side down) and making the fabric firmer.
Baste it
Important fact:
Always baste it on front first because you want the parts that are showing to look the best while the parts that are not showing do not necesarilly have to look the best.
After you flip the waistband it should look like this:
After you have that basted sew it normally with classical stitching. With front part sewed press the sewing in the middle so the stitching will look the best.
Baste tthe back part to the front in the way that the back will cover the stitches as it is shown on the picture below.
Then sew it and press it.
Haute couture tip:
To make the waistband look the best sew it front side up and through the stitches that are joining the waistband and the skirt. This will hide the stitches used to sew the back of the waistband and it will not be seen on the skirt.
You can see that needle copies the stitches used for sewing the skirt(on the left) and the waistband (on the right off the picture).
You can press it to make it look better.
In the end you have only sewing the button and button hole left.
Button hole
You can make the button hole without sewing machine with a specific stitching but that is too difficult in opposition to using the special presser foot for buttons. It looks like the one on the pictures below.
The priciple is to put the button in the back of the press foot and then the sewing machine does the rest.
That's all, hope this tutorial was helpfull.
How to: Hidden zipper
16:53In this tutorial we will show you how to create the perfect hidden zipper. V tomto tutoriáli vám predvedieme ako ušiť skrytý zips. For this ...
- a hidden zipper
- your skirt, trousers, dress or piece of fabric you want to learn with.
- skrytý zips
- vašu sukňu, nohavice šaty alebo akýkoľvek kus látky s ktorým budete pracovať.
If you turn it around it should look like this.
Keď ho potom otočíte mal by vyzerať takto.
How to: Darts
15:10In this tutorial we will show you how to sew darts from our floral skirt, along with showing how to create simple classical dart. V tomto tu...
V tomto tutoriáli si ukážeme na našej kvetinovej sukni ako vyrobiť záševky pre túto sukňu, rovnako ako základy potrebne k ušitiu záševkov.
Darts are a V shaped, tapered adjustment (usually a fold on the inside of the piece) to a pattern to allow for more fullness in the bust area or less fullness in other areas (waist) (from ).
The first thing
Mark them
Baste them
Sew them
I measured mine to be 3 centimetres long, this is a special case of dart, normally you wont have to do this.
Merala som si moje aby boli 3 centimetre dlhé, toto sú špeciálne záševky, pri klasických je dĺžka definovaná už pri kreslení záševku.